Overhead Open Conveyor


Overhead Open Conveyor

General Description

This type of drier is produced to save the energy and/or to convey the leathers while drying ıt ıs designed as two types

TYP 1 :  This type of conveyor is without drier cabinet and can be used for drying the skins after vacuum or sammying. It is adviceable in the countries which has moderate climate,less volume of humudity and relatively influenced from seasons.The lenght of the conveyor has to be enough to dry the skins within 24 hours. But it can be produced as shorter lenght if drying is appropriate within 48 or 72 hours.

TYP 2 : Some drier cabinets have to be installed cover the anypart of convetor.1/3 lenght of standart DRIER TUNNEL TYPE is enough to dry the skins within 8 hours. When it is companed to the standart drier system,OVERHEAD OPEN CONVEYOR is more favorable for the moderate climate and warm districts.
