Wool Washing Machine


Wool Washing MachineWool Washing Machine

General Description

The most demanded model of Wool Washing Machine is DRM YY5. That is a machine that is made of capable of washing wool between 600kg and 1000kg in an hour with 1500 mm wide, 43 m long sizes and it is made of 304 quality chrome metal plate 5 washing pool with 5 pcs of squeezing roller with 5 different sizes.

1. pool of this machine is perform as a pre-wash and the length is 8 m

2. pool performans as washing and the length is 8 m,

3. pool functions as washing too and the length is 6,5 m,

4. pool does pre-rinsing for becoming cleaned from chemical materials, soap and soda that were put to the washing task during the washing to clean the wools well.

5. pool makes the neccessary rinsing for cleaning the remaining materials from the pre-rising on the 4.task,

There is relay tightening at 5 unit until from 1. pool to 5. pool exit and conveyor belts to carry out this transfer of washed wool is avaible in the other pool,

This squeeze rollers tightens the dirts on the wool and wool, which twill dirt from the pool to clean it occurs during the spin cycyle,

The pools are made of chromium-nickel which prevents matting rakes wool wrapped around each other during washing,

Cleaning units coupled with the clamping unit have a system working and not being able to work separately from each other.

Electrical needs for this machine: 40 KW is

This machine is heated pools for providing a pool of water vapor, both economically and obtained very quickly, such as a hot water temperature of the water can be adjusted automatically with automatic steam valves.